ENG) 終 於 說 了!我當導演了🎥 ?大马全职网红youtuber?Sammy became a director in MGAG?
so, this is not a youtube clickbait. it's a fact. I just joined MGAG as a Senior Content Strategist. What i basically need to do is to mainly produce videos. This includes ideating, scripting, directing, shooting and acting.. etc Hence, my life has been so busy as i'm still in the middle of adjusting myself to this new job. 导演、网红、全职youtuber,我觉得就是差不多如此。但是我才刚开始啦!不红gok哈哈!😄而且,我进mgag也不是为了红的。是想学content, media方面的知识。毕竟我大学不是读这一门学问的。
i hope y'all enjoy this update~ wish me luck! 😘