五一劳动节之吃货人生\\ Arabica Estate Cafe@Automall, Karpal Singh Drive, Penang + Sushi Zanmai
{五一劳动节之吃货人生\\ Arabica Estate Cafe@Automall, Karpal Singh Drive, Penang + Sushi Zanmai} 又是吃,吃,吃!本宫发现自从当上了上班族后,就不断地用美食来弥补本宫空虚难耐的心灵呀!很多友人就会说:“哎呀!你本来就瘦的,吃什么都无所谓啦!”。不好艺术!别忘了本宫的过去哦!想知道就按这!还是会有蛮多人呼吁本宫做怎么减肥的影片系列,本宫会尝试的。但真的近期都比较忙,可能没那么快咯。好啦!言归正传啦!(如本宫引用错成语,那就体谅呗!)哈哈!Eating X ∞ (infinity)! I found that ever since I work as a white collar, my hollow smothered soul is often got fed by FOOD! Many friends say that I'm skinny, so can eat a lot without worries. Excuse me! Do not forgot the past me ya! HERE to see it! Been receiving lots of requests of doing 'how to lose weight' video or blogpost, I'll try but it will take time as I'm quite busy lately. Back to the topic!
Labour day was fallen on Sunday, so we've got the replacement on Monday. Aigoo I should've written 5|2 labour day instead of 5|1 as it's the different date but who cares?! Haha! To steer clear of the crowds, so I decided to plan my day out on Monday. We set this impromptu date the night before to have the lunch and also chitchat session. But the thing is we've got the syndrome of hard to make choices so.... Had no idea on which cafe to head to but to go with Ejoo's suggestion. Heard that their waffle is GOOD!
还记得那时尚早,所以我们就坐着等他们准备好。同时,我们为了点餐也花了一段时间哈哈!We were their 1st table of customers. Left no choice but to sit there and wait for them to be prepared. Meanwhile, we'd spent quite some time to make our choices though.
宜茹所谓的五颜六色意大利面!原本要尝的但是咱们都没有缘分呀!Ejoo's so-called colourful pasta. Originally, we wanted to try it out but we did not have fate with the pasta.
Girls will get lured by this page of desserts!
室内设计还蛮典雅的。The interior design is quite elegant.
店家也有午餐优惠哦!星期一至五,下午12.30至2.30。原本要点的,但是我们都不吃牛肉,所以就没有缘分啦。因为有不想吃饭的关系。Lately, they have the lunch promotion from Monday to Friday, 12.30pm til 2.30pm. Initially, we wanted to try it but because the pasta of the day was made with beef as essential ingredients so we didn't try it. On that day, we did not have the mood for rice as well haha
万众期待的驾到!!!Long awaited!!!
Tyramisu Waffle (RM16)
是不是觉得有点儿‘澎湃’叻?!本宫也被吓倒,因为太大份啦!原本想叫的是Wonderberry,因为比较多什莓,看起来就比较健康些。但是因为有一个部落客说Wonderberry的酱有点过甜,所以就尝试不一样的口味咯!Tyramisu或Tiramisu口味的松饼比较罕见,这也是本宫第一次尝到呀!味道一流,而且就连摆盘也格外别致!店家真的对于黑巧克力块的分量毫不手软呀!黑巧克力的苦涩降低了香草冰淇淋的甜度呀!各位是否有看见顶上还有一条Ladyfinger吗?一半是沾有浓缩咖啡的,另一半则是原味。本宫比较不会欣赏啦,纯粹是个人口味啦!比较向与脆脆的口感。好啦,要来谈谈主角啦---松饼。脆度十分,不会太干。忘了拍里边,其实里边也是巧克力色的哦!真的能与Eataliano比哦!是一道本宫还会想念的甜品!但是还是希望草莓可以多给些!哈哈!Isn't it look gigantic? Got frightened by this huge portion. We wanted to order Wonderberry at first as it has berries which somehow looks healthier. However, one blogger claimed that the Wonderberry sauce prone to be over sweet. So, we tried another flavour. Tyramisu or Tiramis flavor of waffle is quite rare to be seen in Penang. This is my first try! Taste decent and the presentation is bewitching as well! They are the philanthropists when it comes to putting the dark chocolate shreds on top. The bitterness of the dark chocolate neutralizes the sweetness of the vanilla ice cream. Do you spot the ladyfinger on the top? Half has been sunk in the espresso and another part maintains its originality. I din't really enjoy eating it as I prefer the crunchiness like from waffles. Okay just to remind you guys that the main actor is the waffle. It's crunchy yet to dry in texture. Totally forgot to capture its inside for you guys to see. It's actually black in colour as well at the inside. Really can fight Eataliano with ! This makes me wanna come back soon! But I hope that the strawberries on top could be given more~~~
Details of Arabica Estate Cafe
Address: 29D-3-2 & 29D-3-3, Maritime Piazza, Persiaran Karpal Singh, 11600 Georgetown, Penang.
Tel: 04-2969165
Business Hour: 12pm - 12am (to be confirm, kindly contact them before going)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arabicaestate/
Website: www.arabicaestate.com/
过后,咱们觉得好像被甜味给缠着似的,所以决定去下一摊吃咸的!After that, we felt like being surrounded by the overbearing sweetness, so we decided to go to next eatery for something salty.
本宫驾车到Paragon Mall,宜茹就当上了DJ给本宫播歌。猜猜有啥歌呢?当然会有‘Oh~Everytime I See U~’《太阳的后裔》的OST!那天真的很难找到位子泊车。以下又是吃货人生啦!I drove to Paragon Mall and Ejoo was the DJ of the day. Take a guess on which songs were played?! It must have 'Oh~ Everytime I see you~' 'Descendant of the Sun' OST! It was freaking hard to search for an empty parking lot. I was exhausted by swirling ourselves on the car for almost 20 mins. Below is how it continues of being an eater~
忘了它的名堂,第一口蛮好吃的,但是鸡肉有点硬,有点儿过咸。Forgot its name but 1st bite is good. I personally think that the chicken is too hard and a bit salty.
怎么非得扮鬼脸不可呢?!Why on earth do the youngsters have to make this facial expression in taking pics?!
第二道desu~寿司!里头包有炸物,蛋卷,黄瓜。上面的烤酱真的蛮好吃的。但是建议与友人分享,不然会被咸味给淹没咯!可能本宫平日吃得比较清淡的关系。2nd desu~ Sushi~ It's being wrapped with fritters, egg rolls and cucumber. The sauce on top is quite nice but I suggest you to have it share with your mates or else you are gonna be buried by the saltiness. Maybe I usually eat a little bit bland on days.
先Zoom本宫~Zoom me first!
再Zoom宜茹~Then zoom Ejoo
好啦!下次见啦! 好累呀~写了第二次~Okay! See you next time! So tired! This is my 2nd times of writing this same post!
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Siao Kia Group
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ReplyDeleteThis cafe not bad~ i like the waffle also~~ :P but others de i havent tried before oo...
ReplyDeleteYupe! Their waffle is GOOD! I am still yet to try the other items as well! BTW, thanks for reading!:)