30天水桶腰➡️小蠻腰+人魚線!只需5分鐘 超簡單的腹部運動!|ABS in 30 days|I tried #100abchallenge by blogilates zoenotzoey
30天水桶腰➡️小蠻腰+人魚線!只需5分鐘 超簡單的腹部運動!|ABS in 30 days|I tried #100abchallenge by blogilates zoenotzoey
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今天的主題超特別!是關於如何在30天內練出小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌!我の腹肌已在很久以前就消失了。本宮對於腹部运动,時常都是自我放棄の節奏。這次我勇敢地挑戰自己,看看能不能堅持到最後。30天叻!你以為玩玩啊?哈哈!幸好遇到了貴人,@zoenotzoey 和 @blogilates 。她們讓我重新啟發,慢慢地本宮也發掘了許多練出小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌の健身tips。每個人的體質都不一樣,如果你原本就是中等身材或瘦瘦的,肚子很快就會見效,人魚線就會出來;如果是比較微胖的體型,一定要控制飲食+有氧運動,才會更有效去水桶腰的油喔!在此與各位美眉們分享怎麼可以30天內從水桶腰練出小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌的心得。希望可以幫助到大家!加油各位!記得留言告訴我你的進展喔!希望大家越來越瘦、FIT、美麗!!
✨希望你們喜歡這次的影片,喜歡的話,記得看個10遍、按個讚👍、按鈴鐺🔔訂閱本宮喔! 我們下次見! 拜拜! 留言➡️你們還有什麼小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌訓練的故事、技巧嗎?你們的肚子是水桶腰還是小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌呢?分享下嘛~哈哈! {ENG} Today's topic is really special! It's all about how to get abs in 30 days! My abs has been gone for so long. I always give up on abs exercise/workout. This time, I resolved to bravely challenge myself and see if I could persist until the last day. 30 days is not short duh~ lol~ Fortunately, I encountered some lifetime savers, zoenotzoey & blogilates. They made me re-embark on my fitness journey and slowly learned about abs building tips & hacks. Everyone’s body is different, if u are S or M size, your abs will be surfaced in no time; if u are more to L size and above, it’s recommended to do it together with diet control and aerobic exercises; this method could help you to get rid of your tummy fats. Hereby share with all pretty ladies or girls on how to get your abs in 30 days. Hope that it could help u all! Aza Aza fighting! Comment and let me know your progress! Hope everyone could be slimmer, more fit and beautiful! ✨Hope you like this video, if you LIKE it, pls be sure to watch 10 times, THUMBS-UP👍, turn on NOTIFICATION BELL🔔 & SUBSCRIBE me! See you next time! Annyeong! Comment➡️ What else of abs tips & exercise do you have? How's your tummy condition? Fat or got kpop 11 abs? Come, share share with us haha! 📙about blogilates' 100 ab challenge:You have to do the challenge for 30 days consecutively which includes special ab workouts.
✨希望你們喜歡這次的影片,喜歡的話,記得看個10遍、按個讚👍、按鈴鐺🔔訂閱本宮喔! 我們下次見! 拜拜! 留言➡️你們還有什麼小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌訓練的故事、技巧嗎?你們的肚子是水桶腰還是小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌呢?分享下嘛~哈哈! {ENG} Today's topic is really special! It's all about how to get abs in 30 days! My abs has been gone for so long. I always give up on abs exercise/workout. This time, I resolved to bravely challenge myself and see if I could persist until the last day. 30 days is not short duh~ lol~ Fortunately, I encountered some lifetime savers, zoenotzoey & blogilates. They made me re-embark on my fitness journey and slowly learned about abs building tips & hacks. Everyone’s body is different, if u are S or M size, your abs will be surfaced in no time; if u are more to L size and above, it’s recommended to do it together with diet control and aerobic exercises; this method could help you to get rid of your tummy fats. Hereby share with all pretty ladies or girls on how to get your abs in 30 days. Hope that it could help u all! Aza Aza fighting! Comment and let me know your progress! Hope everyone could be slimmer, more fit and beautiful! ✨Hope you like this video, if you LIKE it, pls be sure to watch 10 times, THUMBS-UP👍, turn on NOTIFICATION BELL🔔 & SUBSCRIBE me! See you next time! Annyeong! Comment➡️ What else of abs tips & exercise do you have? How's your tummy condition? Fat or got kpop 11 abs? Come, share share with us haha! 📙about blogilates' 100 ab challenge:You have to do the challenge for 30 days consecutively which includes special ab workouts. ✨希望你們喜歡這次的影片,喜歡的話,記得看個10遍、按個讚👍、按鈴鐺🔔訂閱本宮喔! 我們下次見! 拜拜! 留言➡️你們還有什麼小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌訓練的故事、技巧嗎?你們的肚子是水桶腰還是小蠻腰+人魚線+小腹肌呢?分享下嘛~哈哈! {ENG} Today's topic is really special! It's all about how to get abs in 30 days! My abs has been gone for so long. I always give up on abs exercise/workout. This time, I resolved to bravely challenge myself and see if I could persist until the last day. 30 days is not short duh~ lol~ Fortunately, I encountered some lifetime savers, zoenotzoey & blogilates. They made me re-embark on my fitness journey and slowly learned about abs building tips & hacks. Everyone’s body is different, if u are S or M size, your abs will be surfaced in no time; if u are more to L size and above, it’s recommended to do it together with diet control and aerobic exercises; this method could help you to get rid of your tummy fats. Hereby share with all pretty ladies or girls on how to get your abs in 30 days. Hope that it could help u all! Aza Aza fighting! Comment and let me know your progress! Hope everyone could be slimmer, more fit and beautiful! ✨Hope you like this video, if you LIKE it, pls be sure to watch 10 times, THUMBS-UP👍, turn on NOTIFICATION BELL🔔 & SUBSCRIBE me! See you next time! Annyeong! Comment➡️ What else of abs tips & exercise do you have? How's your tummy condition? Fat or got kpop 11 abs? Come, share share with us haha! 📙about blogilates' 100 ab challenge:You have to do the challenge for 30 days consecutively which includes special ab workouts. #blogilates challenge videos: https://bit.ly/2WP3JFK 100abchallenge blogpost: https://www.blogilates.com/100abchall... #人魚線 #fitness #小蠻腰 #腹部运动 #腹肌 #abs #malaysia #malaysian #zoenotzoey #減腹 #瘦腰 #haha #crazy ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔ (◕‿◕✿) Find me at • 本宫之殿 ☻Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wonderqueentv/ ☻Blog: http://wonder0425.blogspot.com/ ☻Instagram: @wonderqueentv ☻Email: wonder0425@outlook.com =自我介紹= 我來自馬來西亞檳城,我叫陈真善美, 我說的是馬來西亞華語、福建話。是其中一名馬來西亞查某哈哈!算是個菜鳥上班族,小資女。喜歡分享生活點滴,那麽老的時候看回自己的影片就會很方便。哈哈!是個哈韓一族、也喜歡自學韓語、減肥、瘦身、健康飲食、健身、去淘寳網買東買西的、研究化妝和髮型等等。我最有成就感的是可以從65KG減到45KG(减肥瘦身了20公斤)。会在这里分享更多的减肥瘦身不复胖,无反弹的心得与秘诀。我也是很喜歡吃辣的~記得訂閲小女哦! I'm from Penang, Malaysia, considered as a rookie worker, small budget girl. Like to share the things happen in my life so that I could be able to retrospect it better by watching my own channel during my older time (a grandmother). Haha! I'm also a KPOP fan who likes self-learning Korean, weight loss, fitness, surfing Taobao.com to do the best jobs of being an impulsive buyer, learning makeup and hairdo. Remarkable one, I LOVE eating spicy food~ ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔ Wonder Queen's POPULAR Videos ➡️ 【18禁解除】韓國人如何不用韓文粗口罵人?連GD也醬被TaeYang罵?優雅暗示法韓語罵厚臉皮的人教學!韓語小教室 | 自學韓文 KOREAN SCOLDING TUTORIAL = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytn7U... 本宮的韓語小教室|教你18禁🈲️的韓國粗口 | Wonder Queen teaches you how to SCOLD or CURSE in Korean = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYFQ3... 馬來西亞中學生最怕の事件+校規🇲🇾(台灣人要惜福~哈哈!)SCHOOL RULES MALAYSIAN STUDENT SCARED OFF THE MOST!!! =https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkaDU... I also watched⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEtHU... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ct5P... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f69Kr... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pLT-... 本宮的關鍵字: 减肥,瘦身,核心训练,减肚子,增肌减脂,腹肌训练,emiwong,马甲线ab workout,smaller waist,lose belly fat fast,lose weight,腹部燃脂,夏日减肥,eileen yu,eileenismart,艾琳儿鱼,缩小腰围,ab workout for women,sexy abs coffee,coffee lam,coffeelam,林芊妤,coffeeyoga,yogacoffee,減腹,瘦腰,練腹,練腹肌,小蠻腰,人魚線,川字線,3星期內練成小蠻腰人魚線腹肌,運動,減肥,局部運動,林芊妤減腹,coffee練腹,abs,abs workout,workout,keep fit,fit,lose weight,healthy,coffee abs,sexy,pretty,fit girl,healthy girl,sporty girl,hot,sweat,cardio,hiit,exercise,just do it,nike,addidas,puma,stay healthy,female abs
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