如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接�� (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

吃早餐咯~ Urban Daybreak @ Lebuh Pantai, Penang.

{吃早餐咯~ Urban Daybreak @ Lebuh Pantai, Penang.} 哈咯!有没有觉得本宫最近更新得比较快了呀?因为本宫已经慢慢适应现在的工作了。或许与本宫的星座有关呗。金牛座,需要有好一段时间来适应变化呀~所以现在放工后,本宫都比较有动力去更新自己的小世界(部落格)。以前刚换新工时,一回家就是有得躺着就不坐着,有得坐着就不站着的。哈哈!好啦,今天要更新的是早些日子我们去的Cafe-Urban Daybreak。Harlo! Do you think that I update here pretty speedily lately? The underlying reason is the adaptation of my new job. I think it's somehow linked to my horoscope. Being a Taurus needs such a long period to be readjusted. Hence, I become more motivated and energetic lately to update my little world (blog) here for you guys. Still remember the prior 2 months of engaging the new job, I always chose to lay down over sit down, sit down over stand up. Haha! Okay, today I'm gonna bring you guys to the cafe named Urban Daybreak~
Instagram: wonder queen_
先给你们看看本宫点了些啥~可以追随本宫的☻Instagram: https://instagram.com/wonderqueen_/
Let you guys have a quick peek on what I order on that day~ You can also follow me on Instagram☻Instagram: https://instagram.com/wonderqueen_/

店家只有一页的餐单, 大多以美澳式为主。店员非常地热情,会主动介绍他们的招牌给你们。他们还以为我们是外地人,因为他说他没看过有槟城人会携带那么重的DSLR出来。哈哈!但是本宫时常都会遇见这种友人呀!
This cafe has an one page menu, mostly with the staple American Aussie inspired feel. Waiters are exceptionally friendly that they will walk to you proactively and recommend their signature dishes to you. They thought that we were not Penangites as they claimed that they had never met a Penangite who arms with a big DSLR. Haha! But I always meet this kind of Penangites~

里边有蛮多可以拍少女专辑照📷的角落哦!There's quite a few Instagram-worthy corner for you to take pics endlessly.
怎办?本宫的脸就是如此。。。“窜”-骄傲哈哈~ 어떻게? What can I do? My face is always like this... Arrogant haha~

上菜咯~FOOD is HERE~
Ann's Big One (RM25.50)
美式早午餐~我姐坚持要叫的。本宫平常都不会去叫Big Breakfast的,因为觉得好像吃不饱似的。而且通常都很贵。
American brunch~ BIG BREAKFAST~ My sis insisted to order this. I normally won't order this Big Breakfast as I always think it's not satiate for me. Plus, this dish always will thin your wallet! 💸
番薯块还蛮嫩的。本宫没尝到培根,纯粹是个人喜好哈哈~The potato cuts are quite soft in texture. I did not taste the bacon as I am always not that into it. Haha~

The mushroom on the left smells good. Yet, the canned baked bean is somewhat overly sweet. Oh! No wonder law~ As I screened through their menu again, I learned that it's being cooked with the Coca Cola. I could not taste any of it. OMG! Which means that it's super duper high in calories?
I superlatively like their sourdough bread loaf~ I like the grains on the edge. Don't like the practice of them butter the loaf though. It becomes a bit too greasy to my liking.

My Wife's Waffle (RM18.50)
就是为了他们的松饼而来的。看到友人po了,看似macam YES~哈哈!有2个选择,一个甜一个咸。我们叫了甜的。松饼外皮不是脆脆的那种。口感是偏向绵密的那种。超爱那炖梨子🍐哦,甜甜的,但是二姐觉得过甜了哈哈~顶上白白一坨的香草🌿mascarpone与松饼非常搭哦。但是本宫还是比较喜欢脆脆的松饼,像是Eataliano 和 Arabica Estate 都是首选哦~
The main reason which triggered me to visit here is their waffle. I saw my friends posted it and it looks madam YES! Haha! There are 2 types, salty and sweet. We ordered the sweet one. The waffles do not have a crispy shell but it is rather moist and soft in textures. Super infatuated with their sweet poached peach. But sis thinks it's way too sweet for her haha! The white vanilla mascarpone matches pretty well with the waffles. For me, I still prefer the crispy waffles though like those from Eataliano and Arabica Estate~

有没有觉得说,欸,怎么陈真善美这次没有长篇话论呢?因为本宫不是在周末写这篇的哈哈~所以比较pekchek如果写太多的话哈哈!吃饱后呢,我们就去到Balik Pulau开启咱们的冒险之旅咯!想知道更多,就继续留守住本宫的部落格呗~忘了评价店家的厕所🚽,蛮清洁的,所以各位请放心~🖖
Do you think that why Sammy Tang is not writing her granny stories for this time? Coz I'm not blogging on leisure weekends. Hence, it'll somehow make me feel anxious (in Hokkien I call it PekChek) if I write too much. haha! After fulfilling our tummies, we went to Balik Pulau for a pretty amazing adventure! Do stay tuned for more! Aigoo, forgot to rate their toilet, it's clean so no worries guys~

 Details of Urban Daybreak 
Address: 338 Lebuh Pantai, 10300 George Town, Malaysia. (basically same row with Book Sandwich )
Business Hour: Everyday EXCEPT TUE! 7.30am - 3pm (taken from its FB)
Tel: 04-262 9693
Email: urban.daybreak@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/urbandaybreak/timeline


如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接🔗 (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

New YouTube Video on WONDER QUEEN~



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