SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan.
SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan.
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
意大利面。说简单,其实一点都不简单。在槟城,很难遇到一间可以维持自家水准的咖啡馆。很多时候,一眨眼,那些咖啡馆就会倒闭。不懂各位有没有自己心目中最好吃的意大利面呢?请在下面留言让我知道哦!很庆幸有SOUL CAFE的存在,好让我偶尔想吃意大利面的欲望可以完成。这次是本宫第3次、隔了2年在SOUL CAFE用餐。我只能说SOUL CAFE绝对是本宫心目中最好吃的意大利面咖啡馆。哈哈!超大份、又算蛮平价的、最重要的是水准还维持在“超好吃”的阶段!!!本宫对意大利面的要求其实蛮高的,因为有些店家连基本的al dente都做不到、有些则是尝到一大堆味精、有些根本就不能吃还要贵过SOUL CAFE。哈哈!就来看看我们那天都吃了些啥呗!
Spaghetti. It seems easy but in fact it isn't. It's kinda hard to encounter a cafe which could maintain its quality in Penang. Sometimes, those cafes would be shut down by just a blink of eyes. Do you all have your own FAV or BEST spaghetti? Comment down below to let me know! Luckily there's still the existence of Soul Cafe in which it could still cure my occasion desire of craving for spaghetti. This was my 3rd time visit to SOUL CAFE after almost 2 years time. All I could say is, SOUL CAFE is surely the BEST Cafe which serves spaghetti in my heart. Haha! Super gigantic in portion, pricing is considerably reasonable, most importantly, it still can maintain its quality at the state of "OMG holly yummy"!!! The way I judge on spaghetti is relatively high coz some of the cafes can't even achieve the al dente texture, some only can taste their overly sprinkled MSG seasoning, some even worse in which they sell you a plate of unholy spaghetti at a more expensive pricing than SOUL CAFE. Haha! Let's see what had we ordered on that day!
还记得那一天晚上,原本想去Buu's Cafe的,哪里知道周一关店。本宫又想吃意大利面,所以他们就成全本宫,去了SOUL Cafe。
Still remember the night before, I originally thought of going to Buu's Cafe, god knows that they close on MON. I was super craving for spaghetti, so they fulfilled my crave by going to this SOUL CAFE.
Still remember the night before, I originally thought of going to Buu's Cafe, god knows that they close on MON. I was super craving for spaghetti, so they fulfilled my crave by going to this SOUL CAFE.
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
Find the spotlight.... Haha! It's the already-devoured cheese cake!
Find the spotlight.... Haha! It's the already-devoured cheese cake!
大家准备好狂流口水了吗? (本宫忘了所有的价钱了~ 但是平均每盘意大利面都在RM18-RM22内。)
Are you guys ready to spill out your saliva? (I'd forgotten all of the prices~ But the average price of spaghetti is RM18-RM22.)
Are you guys ready to spill out your saliva? (I'd forgotten all of the prices~ But the average price of spaghetti is RM18-RM22.)
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
提拉米苏 Tiramisu
Not even had a taste of saltiness, Cathe had already ordered her desserts. She claimed that she's quite having a sweet tooth recently, perhaps... Haha! You got the hint right? This was quite nice, the coffee powder wasn't too bitterly astringent. In highlight, Cathe fed her Berlin a few bites of this~ Haha! So dreadfully scary! Not sure whether there was alcohol in it. Ended up with a long dizzy slumber from Berlin in Karaoke room.
Not even had a taste of saltiness, Cathe had already ordered her desserts. She claimed that she's quite having a sweet tooth recently, perhaps... Haha! You got the hint right? This was quite nice, the coffee powder wasn't too bitterly astringent. In highlight, Cathe fed her Berlin a few bites of this~ Haha! So dreadfully scary! Not sure whether there was alcohol in it. Ended up with a long dizzy slumber from Berlin in Karaoke room.
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
橙子起司蛋糕 Orange Cheese Cake
I only tasted a small bite of this due to my dislike towards orange. Haha! Its texture prone to the solidified and firm form, different from those which are more moisture and liquidized. Maybe the cream cheese here was higher in ratio. Cathe fed Berlin again, he spitted out... haha!
I only tasted a small bite of this due to my dislike towards orange. Haha! Its texture prone to the solidified and firm form, different from those which are more moisture and liquidized. Maybe the cream cheese here was higher in ratio. Cathe fed Berlin again, he spitted out... haha!
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
南瓜汤 Pumpkin Soup
Berlin's main, but he rejected by only tasting a few spoonful, it ended up become Cathe's haha~ But it carried a tangy smell of spices.
Berlin's main, but he rejected by only tasting a few spoonful, it ended up become Cathe's haha~ But it carried a tangy smell of spices.
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
咖喱蛤蜊意大利面 Creamy Curry Clam Spaghetti
Super rich in curry flavour, and a deep scent of milkiness. This was our FAV. Needless to further describe, you should try it by your own!
Super rich in curry flavour, and a deep scent of milkiness. This was our FAV. Needless to further describe, you should try it by your own!
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
白酱培根意大利面 Cabonara Bacon Spaghetti
店家给的酱真的是牛逼多!面条都有Al dente的口感,奶油味很香,但是因为刚刚的咖喱太好吃了,所以这道只能有第二名的头衔咯~
The sauce was freaking much! Spaghetti did achieve the Al dente texture, the milky cream smell was great, but due to the upstage of the previous curry one, so this could only be entitled for the 2nd place haha~
The sauce was freaking much! Spaghetti did achieve the Al dente texture, the milky cream smell was great, but due to the upstage of the previous curry one, so this could only be entitled for the 2nd place haha~
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
青酱意大利面 Pesto Spaghetti
Have tried several pesto spaghetti at numerous cafes, this one is the BEST. A light basil scent alongside with a hint of saltiness. Not to forget on the cheesy smell, DAEBAK! However, the previous 2 dishes had remarkably surprised our palates, so this was being left out haha! Actually, the pesto is not suitable for everyone, if you like it, you'll like it, if you hate the scent of basil, you'll ban it.
Have tried several pesto spaghetti at numerous cafes, this one is the BEST. A light basil scent alongside with a hint of saltiness. Not to forget on the cheesy smell, DAEBAK! However, the previous 2 dishes had remarkably surprised our palates, so this was being left out haha! Actually, the pesto is not suitable for everyone, if you like it, you'll like it, if you hate the scent of basil, you'll ban it.
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SOUL CAFE PENANG \\ 全槟城最好吃的意大利面 The BEST Spaghetti in PENANG @ Jalan Kek Chuan. |
如果你追踪SOUL Cafe的Instagram户口,就能得到一杯百香果甜点。我没尝到因为意大利面真的太大份啦!!!满出来了!
If you follow Soul Cafe's instagram account, you'll be entitled for this cup of passion fruit mousse or whatsoever dessert that they prepare. I did not taste this as the spaghetti was way too huge in portion!!! My tummy was almost exploded!
When Berlin was feeling ill and vomiting, the motherly Cathe and a bit insane nanny named Wendy come to the rescue. When I see this now, it gets sentimental. As we grow up, we often get headache by the smothering own business, rare to have a conversation with parents pertaining to our work, puzzlement, etc. In consideration of not everyone does great in standing at the others' position to make judgement. But except of discussing the negative working problems or issues, we ought to talk to them regarding something happy or fun that we met during the day or chase the Hong Kong drama together at night. (I wanna watch Korean drama but it's too hard for me to be enjoying yet at the same time interpreting. haha!) Enn, as short, I admit that I still have the space to grow up in becoming more matured. Alright, I should halt all of this sentimental sentences!
When Berlin was feeling ill and vomiting, the motherly Cathe and a bit insane nanny named Wendy come to the rescue. When I see this now, it gets sentimental. As we grow up, we often get headache by the smothering own business, rare to have a conversation with parents pertaining to our work, puzzlement, etc. In consideration of not everyone does great in standing at the others' position to make judgement. But except of discussing the negative working problems or issues, we ought to talk to them regarding something happy or fun that we met during the day or chase the Hong Kong drama together at night. (I wanna watch Korean drama but it's too hard for me to be enjoying yet at the same time interpreting. haha!) Enn, as short, I admit that I still have the space to grow up in becoming more matured. Alright, I should halt all of this sentimental sentences!
然后,我们就左塞右塞来到了First Avenue的卡拉OK - REDBOX飙高音!!!有会员卡的,一人只需RM20哦!柏林不管我们飙到多乱,他都睡得很香。哈哈!是不是因为那提拉米苏?哈哈!卡特琳妮说她终于又能唱K了!你唱歌其实蛮不错的!唱多点吧,协和林依晨!哈哈!
Then, we went to hit the high pitch at Redbox First Avenue after a long ride of congestion!!! If you have REDBOX membership, you only have to pay for RM20 per pax. Berlin hit the sack despite of how noisy we were when we hit the high pitch! Haha! Was it the tiramisu effect? Haha! Cathe said she finally got to sing K! You sing quite well though! Sing more, our UNION Ariel Lin! Haha!
Then, we went to hit the high pitch at Redbox First Avenue after a long ride of congestion!!! If you have REDBOX membership, you only have to pay for RM20 per pax. Berlin hit the sack despite of how noisy we were when we hit the high pitch! Haha! Was it the tiramisu effect? Haha! Cathe said she finally got to sing K! You sing quite well though! Sing more, our UNION Ariel Lin! Haha!
After hurting our throats, wefie is a MUST...
After hurting our throats, wefie is a MUST...
Force him to PUT HIS HANDS UP!
Force him to PUT HIS HANDS UP!
He was hungry!
He was hungry!
Fortunately, my contact lens managed to stay inside my eye balls!
Fortunately, my contact lens managed to stay inside my eye balls!
Berlin was annoyed~
Berlin was annoyed~
Pretended that there was something special at the camera.
Pretended that there was something special at the camera.
Borrowed his hand to prop my face.
Borrowed his hand to prop my face.
What a beautiful mommy! Wendy finally got to smile normally haha!
What a beautiful mommy! Wendy finally got to smile normally haha!
超爱有色瞳孔的!变ANGMO CHABOR~
Super in LOVE with coloured lens! Becoming westerner~
Super in LOVE with coloured lens! Becoming westerner~
Thanks for your company~ You guys are i-beo-yo! Hope you guys got this! Haha!
Thanks for your company~ You guys are i-beo-yo! Hope you guys got this! Haha!
OK! See ya!
Find me here!
Details of the Soul Cafe
Address: 12, Jalan Kek Chuan, 10400 Georgetown, Penang.
Tel: 04-226 8200 // 016-478 8598
Business Hour: Mon to Sat 11am to 11pm (closed on SUN, why?) haha
1st Avenue
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