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For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

[Review] White House Fusion Cuisine & Wine Lounge @ Persiaran Karpal Singh, Penang.

{[Review] White House Fusion Cuisine & Wine Lounge @ Persiaran Karpal Singh, Penang.} 哈咯!本宫知道。。。已很久没更新了!因为近期本宫都在忙于工事,所以。。。哈哈!真的!换了新环境,所以每日回家都觉得非常的疲惫,还需时间慢慢的适应呀!真的对这家的老板很不好意思呀!没法在一星期内Po文。米安讷(韩语-Sorry)!好啦,不要再说有的没的啦,因为明天又是星期一啦!Haha! I know...it's been a long time to blog! Lately, I am pretty busy over the hustle bustle kind of worklife, so...Haha! No kidding! I'd changed my workplace. Hence, each day after I reach my home sweet home, I feel exhausted like a walking dead! Still need plenty of time for me to get accustomed to it. I'm really sorry to the owner of this restaurant for not keeping my promise to blog it within 1 week. Mianhae! Okay, stop talking about nonsense coz I need to get some rests for tomorrow-MONDAY again!
因为我家老三说,我必须请她吃一顿大餐(她介绍了本宫现在的工),所以索性带她一同来这次的邀约!不然我都很少去这种邀约的哈哈!我发觉到每一次我接受邀约,都与她有关。(第一次的经验:http://wonder0425.blogspot.my/2016/01/event-white-sensation-party-soju-penang.html)难道是孽缘?开玩笑罢了啦!我们的感情很好的啦,就是那种今早骂架,放工回家又鸡喳起来的那种。Just because Christine asked me to treat her and my bro big meals (she helped me in applying my current position), so I might just as well bring her along to this food review. I normally don't really go to the reviews and invitations haha! Wait! Now I only realize that she is always here with me for each time that I accept the invitation. Maybe that's something about ominous fate? Just kidding! Our relationship is superb, that kind of having bickers in the early morning and continuing as chatterboxes after back home from work.

现代人就是酱!手机如内衣!不要想歪,只是把它比喻成非常重要而以。哈哈!Modern people are all like this, smart phone is like their bras! Don't think it in a bad and YELLOW way ya! I'm just applying metaphor! Haha!

然后老一辈的人讲她的时候就会酱!And then when the senior citizens ask them not to play it anymore, they will throw this kind of sharp and cruel sight to kill your words.

好啦!不要在骂架啦!看食物吧!Alright, don't quarrel again! Let's talk about the food!
首先有的是少女们的最爱---花茶(Rosemary & Rose Tea-RM 13.90)。我觉得很香,而且甜味适度。在悠闲的下午,最适合一边喝着花茶,一边阅读了!那时是周日下午3时左右,没那么多人的时刻,所以你们可以在酱的时刻去咯!但是请选择靠近空调的座位哦!不然会很热。First off, we have the girls's FAV afternoon Rosemary & Rose tea. I think it's really scented and modest in sweetness. At leisure afternoons, the best way is to drink teas and at the meantime reading your favourite book. At that time was around 3pm, it was not the peak hour, so you guys may choose this time-slot. But you have to choose the seats near to the air con ya! Or else you will be perspiring!

现在店家已更新了菜单,有空大家也可以去尝一尝经济实惠又蛮好吃的午间套餐哦!Recently, they have changed their menu, you guys should come and try out their yummy yet reasonable in price set lunch!

店家自磨自制的蘑菇汤(Wild Mushroom Soup - RM8)。味道尚可,但个人觉得还可以再浓一点。Their own handmade mushroom soup. I think it tastes good but it could be richer.

我家老三。Christine Tang.

南瓜炖羊意大利面(Pumpkin And Lamb Baked Pasta - RM20)。我家老三没有吃到这一到,因为她说她已戒掉吃羊的饮食习惯。她说羊很可爱。我在等着某天也许她会说鸡很可爱然后戒吃鸡。哈哈!这一道还蛮特别的,本宫从未试过酱的搭配。羊肉没有羊骚味,而且炖得很嫩。还蛮喜欢的。还有店家使用的是卷形的意大利面哦!我小时候最爱酱的了,还有贝壳的!Christine did not have a try as she proclaimed she would not eat lamb again. She said sheep are cute. I'm waiting for her to say chicken is too cute to be eaten in one day! Haha! But this dish is really special as I'd never tried the amalgamation of pumpkin and pasta before. The mutton doesn't have the smelly scent and it is being stewed til so soft. I like it. Plus, they use the curly pasta instead of the elongated ones! In my childhood, I used to ask my sis to cook the curly and also the shell pasta for me as bento to bring to school the next day.

Pan-roasted Banana Crusted Chicken Breast - RM20 香蕉?很特别是吧?!鸡肉鲜嫩,但重点应该是那装在红色小锅的汁吧!那汁真的是太棒了,好像以前有吃过的味道哈哈!Banana? Very unusual right?! The chicken is fresh and tender, the highlight is the sauce in that little red pot. It tastes amazing, somehow like deja vu.

我家老二,也是位化妆师。有兴趣可以点这哦:Tang Karen Makeup Artist  Karen Tang who is also a makeup artist. Click the link above if you are interested!

这里的室内设计是以白色为主。还蛮漂亮的,简约风。The whole interior design is based in white. Quite mesmerizing yet simple.

樱桃起士蛋糕(Cheery Crumble Cheese Cake - RM12)。我的天!这是当天我们都觉得最能满足到大伙们的味蕾的食物!它的甜度刚刚好,起士的味道超浓,口感润滑兼扎实!配上一丁点的酸性樱桃,再搭上酥脆奶油香的饼干碎,简直是天堂!然后店家告诉说,他们也有卖整粒的,所以有生日爬,也可以购买哦! OMG! This is the one that all of us think that it cures our tastebuds the best! Acceptable sweetness, rich cheesy smell and the texture is smooth yet solid. The sourish of the cherry neutralizes the sweetness and together with the crunchy buttery crumbles which enhance the whole texture. Totally a food from paradise! They told me that whole cake is available as well which means you could buy it while there are birthday parties!

主题:吃饱后的老板。。。Theme: Boss after meal...

本宫本来只是纯粹觉得这巴黎铁塔蛮漂亮的,所以拍了几张照。然后,店家就告知说其实这是水烟机(纯粹分享,没有呼吁的意思,况且本宫也没抽烟)。晚上呢,这里就会是酒吧。Originally, I merely thought the Eiffel tower was stunning, so I took some shots. Then, the waitress told me that it was actually Shisha pipe (just to share the info, not prompting, plus I don't smoke). At nights, here will be the lounge bar.

Details of White House Fusion Cuisine & Wine Lounge
Address: 29C-02-3A, Maritime Piazza, Persiaran Karpal Singh 2, Lebuh Sungai Pinang 5, 11600 Jelutong, Penang. (Right beside to Starbucks)
Tel: 04-373 0076
Business Hour: 12pm-2am (everyday)
Email: whitehousemaritime@gmail.com

好了!下次再见呗!接下来的照片都是用Oppo拍的。Okay! See you next time! Below pics are all taken from Oppo.
有像脸meh?!还好啦!她比较美啦!哈哈!老三有没有爽一下!Look alike meh?! Okay only! She is prettier lah~! Haha! Christine, do you feel syiok for a short while haha!

当你觉得你的友人拍照技术有待改进时。。。自拍就是解决方案!哈哈!When you feel that your company's photography skill needs to be horned...Selfie is the solution. Haha!

其实是这家的灯光没有那么足,所以他们俩帮本宫打灯着哈哈!Story was our seats did not have the good lighting, so they helped me with their torch lights on handphones.


如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接🔗 (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

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