如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接�� (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

Hana Cafe 하나카페 \\ 又吃韩式炸鸡和消暑的雪冰 Korean Fried Chicken ● Bingsu @ Tanjung Bungah, Penang.

{Hana Cafe 하나카페 \\ 又吃韩式炸鸡양념치킨和消暑的雪冰빙수 Korean Fried Chicken ● Bingsu @ Tanjung Bungah, Penang.} 

This post has been translated in ENG!!! 

不用多说了吧?想必人人都已尝过韩式炸鸡雪冰🍨 对吧?因为前阵子我们有超火红的韓國辣辣炸雞挑戰 // Kyochon 교촌 Korean Fried Chicken @ G Hotel Penang 和 Caffebene 咖啡陪你 @ Gurney Paragon, Penang, 你们都吃过了吗?还没吃过的朋友👬可以点进链接🔗看食评哦!其实这些照片全都是在4月9日那一日拍的(幸好手机📱有帮我记载哈哈)!年头HANA Cafe应该算是Hito的话题之一吧!很多部落客都po文说很好吃,所以我们一看到Groupon有折扣就赶快买了!
Needless to say, I bet everyone here had already contributed their 'first time' to Korean Fried Chicken and Bingsu right? I assume! Have you tried the previous trends of 韓國辣辣炸雞挑戰 // Kyochon 교촌 Korean Fried Chicken @ G Hotel Penang 和 Caffebene 咖啡陪你 @ Gurney Paragon, Penang? If you haven't, you may click into the links above to see the food review! Actually, all of these photos were being taken back on 9 of April (thank GOD that my phone helps me to remember it)! Early this year, HANA Cafe has been one of the HIT topic in Penang. Seeing a lot of bloggers saying that the food was nice and so when we discovered on the discounts from Groupon, we bought it in no time!

现在也还有折扣哦,🔗:HANA Cafe Groupon Discount。This is the Groupon's current discount link.

Let me tempt your appetite first~ Yupe, I'm that naughty one!

We also celebrated our own Alajiji Family's convocation! Snapped some graduation photos here. Haha!
OK, let me do a start my personal journal here! If you wish to see the food pics here directly, then just scroll downward. Haha!

That day was a sunny Saturday and I had changed my path to another company, so I did not have to work on that day. Or else, I also have to work on Saturday as well. Ended my slumber in the early morning and back to my ex-office, we called it as "kitchen from the Chinese Empire". Why? Coz our ex boss and lady boss are like those from that Chinese palace...Haha! (you'll understand only if you know the truth of the Chinese Empire). Old cliche - you'll get the better world if you move fast (in Cantonese), this does really epitomise our situation. I think the role of a boss is pretty crucial as all of your actions even the tiny one will also influence on everyone's mood and spirit in that company. Plus, if you have a better opportunity, higher pay, you should just go! What ya waiting for? Life is short! Haha!
We hid in the meeting room and have an endless conversation. Then, that Aunty Kelvin started to train 'her' (he's a guy though...) photo-taking skills~

The responsible Yan with her mind-boggling good memory!

Princess xiang xiang (means smells good / fragrant). Why? Coz she usually wears perfume to work haha!

Aunty Iping... No lah, it's unnie lah! Haha!

Fully-utilized aunty Kelvin's camera to have our #wefie tgt!

Sony Alpha的相机📷真的很磨皮也!最近,我想买Sony ARII!看来必须每天都祈祷说有一天会中头奖!哈哈!

Sony Alpha Camera is really good in smoothen your face! Recently, I really wanna buy the Sony ARII! I think I have to start having a daily prayer for me to get my lucky draw in TOTO one day! Haha!

I totally forgot that we even had a video-shooting session!


For those who are interested to watch it may watch it here. Click the video below!

(I wonder this works for mobile site)

然后终于到达了目的地---HANA Cafe。其实念起来有点像你妈叫你收拾房间,然后你说的:“HANA”。哈哈!不耐烦~那时应该是下午2点多,里头真的很多人,幸好我们刚好有位置,但是灯光就不是很好咯~
We finally arrived the destination---HANA Cafe. It sounds like when your mom asks you to clean up your room and you just snap :"HANA". Haha! Without the patience~ That time was about 2pm in the afternoon, it's so crowded there and we won the lucky stars by having our seats right away. The only thing bad was the lighting.

To be real honest here, their ramyun / instant noodle is considereed as , you see the cheapest also costs you about RM12. One pack of Korean Noodle basically costs you about RM4 right? Haha! My other fellows even asked me to accompany them to eat their ramyun and I was like you give me RM10 and I'll make you one! Haha!

点餐完毕。。。又是一大堆的Candid Shot by 凯文阿姨~
Finished ordering... Another batch of #candidshot by Aunty Kelvin~
Why did you capture me kinda face.

Finally done working kinda face.

What are you doing kinda face.

Giving the speech, talk kinda face.

Wholeheartedly, concentrating in listening kinda face.

Being scared kinda face.

The interior design.

Am I cute kinda face. Yeah!

It really portrays the feel of reunion rice! Coincidentally, it was a round table!

Fully revived with positivity kinda face.

Tried and tested the camera kinda face.

Blessed, excited kinda face. (The pics captured by me are nicer right?! The angle is so PRO right?)

A pervert doesn't want to get shot kinda face.

Kind with a modicum of shyness kinda face.

Very astonished kinda face.

Flaunting her Iphone kinda face.

我爱吃沙拉之脸。 🌱
I like to eat salad kinda face.

Are you done kinda face.

Saying hello with a dash of kiddy innocence kinda face.

Stay calm in disguise of shyness kinda face.

‘之脸’系列完毕~ 'Kinda face' series is ended.

Food's here!
Cameras, phones eat first!

沙拉 -蛮特别的,因为店家有放一些杏仁片,增添口感。
Salad - quite special as they sprinkle some of the almond shreds into it which enhances the texture.

We bought the 8 pax one if I'm not mistaken, so we got to choose 8 beverages from the fridge. 


Do not think that this iron / metal basket is just used for decoration, placing the tableware. Previously, my Korean chingu told me that they usually will toss the bones into this basket to ease the whole cleaning process.

好啦!让我们来看看重头戏!deng deng deng deng!!!
Ok! Let's see our main star of the day! deng deng deng deng!!!
 Whole Chicken (12 pieces) - RM50
Half Chicken (6 pieces) - RM28
Options: Original, Sauce or Mix
假如你和我们一样都有选择恐惧症的话,可以选择Mix综合的。我们叫了12支的一份、6支的一份=18支。原味就是有参杂蒜头腌制的、红红的叻,他们说是辣辣鸡🐔,可是我觉得比较像是甜甜鸡哈哈!本人觉得那个红红的比较好吃,都是一些人觉得原味比较好吃。严格来说还是韓國辣辣炸雞挑戰 // Kyochon 교촌 Korean Fried Chicken @ G Hotel Penang,比较好吃!😂
If you're the same with us having the Allodoxaphobia (fear of opinion / social phobia), you may opt for the Mix version. We ordered 1 set of 12 pieces and another 1 set of 6 pieces with total of 18 pieces of chicken. The original one carries the marinated garlic flavor; the reddish one which they call it as spicy chicken, I personally call it as sweety chicken haha! I prefer the reddish one, but some of them think that the original one tastes better. To be more stringent, the one from 韓國辣辣炸雞挑戰 // Kyochon 교촌 Korean Fried Chicken @ G Hotel Penang tastes better! Haha!

薯条与马铃薯块 -不会油腻、口感脆脆的。
French fries and wedges - crunchy and not too greasy.

对,你猜的没错,这就是韩国辣火鸡面!!!Buldak Bokkeum Myun。我是觉得不辣啦,但是看见凯文阿姨和Iping阿姨好像觉得很辣哦!哈哈!🤓
Yes, you are correct! BINGO! This is the Korean Spicy Noodles - Buldak Bokkeum Myun!!! I don't feel the spiciness at all but I saw Aunty Kel and Iping were feeling spicy.

Kimchi Ramyun, you-can-cook-by-your-own kinda flavor~

黑黑的炸酱面,也是可以自己煮的味道~别再说了~😝 假如想吃好吃的,可以点击此🔗:코비큐 KO.B.Q // 全槟最棒的韩国餐❤The BEST Korean Restaurant in Penang!!!
Black JajangMyun, you-can-cook-by-your-own kinda flavour as well~ Don't say it anymore~ If you wanna try the special one, you may click into this link: 코비큐 KO.B.Q // 全槟最棒的韩国餐❤The BEST Korean Restaurant in Penang!!!.

叫了两碗泡菜的,毕竟多了泡菜,因为还有一种是原味的,幼稚园小妹小弟也会煮啦~ 哈哈!但是他们煮的面很有弹性不会太熟。
We'd ordered 2 bowls of KimchiRaMyun, at least we got the extra Kimchi here coz another choice is the original one which I think the kids from kindergarten also know how to cook one~ Haha! But they cook the noodles perfectly with the al dente texture!

 当本宫要拍时~ 一只没肉的手挡了本宫的风景。✌️
When I'm about to snap the flatlay pic~ A skinny hand has blocked my way. Don't BLOCK my WAY!
Here's another one!

REMEMBER to tell the waiter to serve the Bingsu at last. Or else your digestion system will be affected by the sudden cold and hot things straight to your stomach.

女生的天堂驾到!!!Girls' paradise!!!

 经典原味 Classic Pat Bingsu 팥빙수- RM12
哦!他们的雪冰会比Caffe Bene 的爽口、绵密。还记得那天,本宫与香香公主的‘远亲’来拜访,都是啥都不管地吃了!结果,隔天我觉得整身酸痛也。所以女生还是别吃那么多冰啦,子宫会受寒地~ 我觉得这个口味不会太甜,然后红豆也很有口感。
Oh! I think their Bingsu tastes better than the Caffe Bene one in terms of texture and softness. Retrospected to the day, me and Kwek had our "far relatives" visiting us but we just didn't bother and enjoyed it. The aftermath was I had to endure the soreness of my whole body. All in all, all of the girls should eat the cold stuffs that often, or else your ovary system will be 'frozen'. I think this is not over sweet together with the full-of-textures kinda beans on top.

 健康蜂蜜果仁 Honey Nuts Bingsu RM14
 这是本宫的最爱❤️!!!认识我的人的知道,我已当果仁是本宫的老公,每日都得吃!连男友都会嫉妒的关系~ 哈哈!最喜翻脆脆的感觉啦!SONG ahhh! Huat Ahh!
This is by far my FAV!!! If you know me well, you'll learn that NUTS are already like my hubby, I have to eat it every single day! Even get the jealousy from the boyfriend~ Haha! I super in love with the ever crunchy kinda feel from the NUTS! SONG ahhh! Huat Ahh!

舒压奥利奥巧克力 Oreo BingsuRM14
Sometimes, I am skeptical on my gender. The evidence is being strengthen when I realized that I do not have the lover relationship with this type of bingsu. But Kwek was loving it so much! The ingredients given were a bit excessive, it's a good thing though! 

酸酸甜甜清爽奇异果 Kiwi BingsuRM15
This is quite nice coz it's quite light, not that heavy. The flavor prone to the bland and healthy side.

我们在那里聊天到大约3个钟,然后Iping和香香公主就先回了。我们就拍了Alazizi Family的毕业照!
Our conversation was only ended after 3 solid hours, Iping and Kwek went back first. Afterward, we took our Alazizi Family graduation pics!
Aunty Kelvin, what were you doing then? Inhale what?

Outdoor version~
Even had the company from some cats, but I still prefer DOGs! Haha!

My hand looks like... Eh! Angle problem! 🈲️

Then, someone went to the toilet after having the Korean Spicy Noodles!

Who is missing here? That person is the someone that I mentioned above! Haha! The law of intimation!

Okay! See you guys next time!

Details of Hana Cafe 하나카페:
Address: 11, Jalan Tanjung Bungah, Penang, Malaysia.
Business Hour: Everyday 11am til 10.30pm EXCEPT on TUE!!! (Kitchen Last Call at 9.30pm)
Tel: 04-890 8810
Email: hanahousepg@gmail.com


如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接🔗 (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

New YouTube Video on WONDER QUEEN~



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