如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接�� (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

生活可以如此神奇✿欢庆大学放榜 | Life can be so magical! Celebration for Univerity Result Releasing @ Plan B, Queensbay Mall.

[槟城美食攻略] 生活可以如此神奇!阿美我也终于再次亲身体验到了。丢回N天前与老爸和老三在Plan B欢庆大学放榜的早午餐好日子。Life can be so magical! A worthwhile throwback of the GOOD day having brunch with my daddy and Christine (3rd sis) in celebration of my University Result Releasing @ Plan B, Queensbay Mall, Penang.

还记得那一天的前一晚,我鼓起勇气打开笔记本电脑上网查寻我大学的总成绩。但应该是放榜大家一同在查寻的关系,结果搞得很lagged!我就干脆不要看了,因为隔天还要上班的缘故。哈哈!等到第二天在公司一开我的电脑的那一霎那,阿美我的女性第六感怂恿我去查寻我大学的总成绩。坦白说,有些小紧张的说!哈哈!当我看到我的成绩后,我睁更开我那内双的双眼,再次仔细的确认N次。难以置信(现在也是)!因为我真的是没在给自己压力做那些论文的,我一心只想能够平安交上就好。一得到这手独家消息,我立即跑到外头打电话给我家老爹。听到他老人家那么开心的声音,我顿时有种安慰的感触(终于再次让他骄傲)。原本咋三人就约好要一同吃午餐的,但是是在普通上班族去开的咖啡店。但当我上车时,老三说老爹很开心,所以要去Queensbay Mall吃好点的(Nando's)。但我觉得吃鸡好像不够‘澎湃’--豪华的‘艺术’,哈哈,就与老三心有灵犀的提议去吃Plan B咯!!!
Still remember the night before that day, I pulled up my socks and put on a brave front and turned on my laptop for checking my Uni result. I think it was due to the release, everyone even those in UK were all trying to break the eVision website which made it lagged and slowed. I straightly decided not to check anymore as I have to hit the sack for work freshly on the next day. Haha! After sitting on my office chair on the next day, my female sixth sense directed me to go and click the eVision website. Frankly speaking, I was a bit nervous, jittery and agitated! After the page was being navigated, I edged my eyes even wider to reassure what I saw was what it really was. Unbelievable (even until now)! The reason why I felt it was unreal is because I'd never pushed myself too hard in my last Uni year. From the very beginning, I was like as long as I could submit my dissertation on time kind of thoughts. Once I got this exclusive news on hands, I ran outside to phone my dad. I felt super sentimental of comfort in all sudden after hearing his delighted voice (finally making him proud once again!). Initially 3 of us had already planned to have lunch on that day, the only difference was the venue haha original plan was at any mainstream office workers fav hawker centre or better-known as Kopitiam. But when I stepped on their car, Christine said that daddy was too happy and decided to change into Plan B in order to have a better lunch (Nando's). However, I think by gobbling down chicken wasn't really scrumptious so Christine and I were connected with hearts and both suggested to go to Plan B for our Plan B! Haha!

My First Time,CLICK HERE!

等待中。。。肚子饿饿的Look!The look of waiting in starvation!

再来一张 One more!

这家几乎都在播放P. Ramlee马来神话的黑白电影哦。你看阿美家的老爹看得那么爽!Almost everytime I come here, they broadcast the dramas or movies of our Malaysia's legend P.Ramlee. See how Syiok my dad was!

咖啡莫卡 Mocha Coffee
 My dad's always favourite. He claimed that this is the BEST biscotti he had ever eaten so far. Probably due to drastic starvation. Haha! But this statement seriously occurred to me as well. Their mocha coffee is not that sweet so you might adjust the sugar degree by your own. They provide a short glass of brown sugar (scroll up to pic 1). Which makes it less guiltiness.

陈家三父女的‘澎湃’(福建话)的早午餐。吃到肚子炸掉的!Tang family's dad-daughter scrumptious brunch. Eat until our tummy exploded!!!

很有艺术感的说!其实是我嫌上一张的光影不是那么好,所以索性再拍一次。但竟被老爹的手给挡住了!!!What an art! In actuality, I was thinking of taking another shot due to the last one was not in a good light shadow. But my daddy's hands were blocking me! Haha!

换个角度。Change to another angle.

美式大早餐 American BIG Breakfast (RM 35)
I'm always not a fan of this kind of CALORIE-BOOM Big Breakfast. Coz Christine said daddy like it (high odd of her personally infatuated to it haha), that's why I ordered it. However, instead of calling it 'BIG' I think 'HUGE' is the better word to describe it. This kind of overloading breakfast, twice or thrice a year already too much! Or else gonna die as an upshot of obesity. Come, let's talk about the details here! Speaking of the protein eggs, you may choose your own kind of style to cook your eggs, let it be scramble eggs or sunny side-up. Ours is scramble eggs smothering over the ciabatta which I personally think that the bread is so toothsome! I think the eggs are in the mild side of flavour but the texture is smooth. But if you eat it with the other starlets on this plate, it would end up with another interesting topic of taste. The hash brown is crispy and soft at the inside, the most importantly, it is never too greasy for your tastebud. I'll leave the Italian Sausage Patty and the Grilled Bacon for you guys without any comment as I personally not a fan of it. I'm not a cannibal! Haha! But I can tell you the flavor is nice and meat-packed! You may give it a try! The sauteed mushroom tastes fantastic as well with that cherry tomatoes and stewed bean and that toast. As for the avocado stated on the menu, I think I had never seen him on that day haha Maybe he was vanished! Plus, this comes with a cup of coffee or tea of your choice and a cup of fresh orange juice! That orange juice is so tasty and I could even eat the residue!

 Happiness overflows! (whenever he sees food and ppl are actually taking his pics, he enjoys a lot!)

老三!Christine who is also my 3rd sis!

三文鱼天使发丝面 Salmon Angel Hair (RM 31)
This is thus far my favourite of that day. That aromatic butter smell... I don't care LAH! Tomorrow only continue the journey of counting calories intake! That fish eggs or known as Tobiko definitely upgrades the whole texture with the intoxicating sound of Kachh...Kachhh... They give a umpteen amount of Salmon which is also high in quality with tenderness and smoothness. As for the noodle type, I prefer the normal Spaghetti to the Angel Hair coz I like to bite things like a chipmunk haha I think that's the reason why my face could not be as v-shape as SNSD! haha!

美式總匯三明治The Loaded Club Sandwich (RM 33)
The Loaded Club Sandwich of Plan B is really overloaded! In my case, I fell in love on that day as I super duper revel in biting the crispy buttery toast. The pesto chicken pieces are superlatively tender (I ate the Subway one before and it disgusted my tastebud by its sham texture). The salad is tossed in a light and refreshing sauce. French fries taste nice as well not greasy at all. In a nutshell, this is the dish that I will definitely order it again next time! PS: portion is so gigantic!

果然内有乾坤!Indeed there is heaven and earth. See I didn't tipu you guys right! This is overloaded!

看看那比例!See the proportion between my face and the half a sandwich!

我们三人逼自己一定要吃完,结果三人顶着大肚子(通常只有老爹会酱)回各自的公司继续上班。。。Three of us are pretty mandatory that we forced ourselves to finish it all, denouement, we became 3 months pregnant (normally only my dad looks resembled to pregnant stage) and back to office and start the bread-winning war!

虽说放榜了,也即将毕业,但我的人生才刚开始呢!所以大家只能一起努力咯!加油,朋友们!Although the result had been released and also will be graduated soon, but I think my life has just begun to kickstart. So, let's aza aza fighting together!

After back in office, received this 7-11 souvenir from Venessa, Kamsia thanks a load! Strength re-energized! Okay let's call it a day BYE!

Details of Plan B @ Queensbay Mall, Penang:
GF-112, 113(A) &146(A) Ground Floor, Queensbay Mall, 100 Persiaran Bayan Indah, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Tel: 604-640 8825
 Business Hours:
 9am to 11pm (Sun to Thu)
10.00 pm (Kitchen Last Order)
10.30 pm (Bar/Dessert Last Order) 
9am to 12am (Fri, Sat, public holiday eves) 
11.00 pm (Kitchen Last Order) 
11.30 pm  (Bar/Dessert Last Order)
Official website: Plan B


如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接🔗 (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。

For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!

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