{3 Leg Cat Cafe 三脚猫 @ The Golden Triangle, Relau, Penang.}---Ho Ho Ho! Today's Christmas Eve! The most riveting point of today is that I do not have to work!!! Yupe, as today is the public holiday which (luckily) my company has recognized it! And I'm right now sitting and lolling on my couch, writing this blog post. I somehow really miss the time back in my university mushrooming kinda days. But I still prefer my present lifestyle. Packed and hectic; which makes me forfeit of the puzzlement that life has brought into my life. Alright, I should go to the main point of today. So, 2 of my high school buddies aka my private tutors (they taught me a lot of subjects back then for facing the SPM) came to my vicinity where they are not familiar with for lunch.
如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接�� (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。
For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!
Lunarich @ One Precinct, Bayan Baru, Penang. // Uncle Tetsu Chocolate Cheese Cake. Last Friday, I went there with the whole team of colleagues for lunch in celebration of Kwek's birthday. I'd been there once with my friends from another company. We saw the promotion menu on the outside and thought it was so reasonable in price which drove us walk into this restaurant. The sad case was the promotion is not for the weekends so we just walked out. Finally, I got to try out this! The pic below is what I had ordered on that day.
Dear Santa,
Hello! Although we'd never met each other yet, but I still engage with my childhood self in within. Which means that I still believe in you and the old cliche of 'dreams come true'. Hence, I decide to write up this wishlist for you to deliberate! (Especially thanks to the Community Team at Spring for the invitation to be on-board on this magical and inspirational project!)
Nois Coffe & Retail Cafe @ The Palazzia, Jalan Bukit Gambir, Penang. A few days ago (to be more rigid, it was long time ago~!), I was having a mini-gathering with 2 of my previous classmates from high school, Ejoo and LayLay (a nickname I gave her keke!). Thanks Ejoo for fetching me on that day and I hope you were doing great in your examination! The reason why I chose this cafe to be the destination is very fathomable. Because 3 of us had never tried it before! We talked a lot and I ate a lot keke! LayLay, you are too slim so you need to eat more to stay healthier and brighter! Let's see the food~!
{The World's 2nd Spiciest Korean Noodle Challenge || 世界第二韩国辣辣面挑战}
Dear every reader,
Good day ahead!
Don't ask and expect me to write anything haha! Just watch it coz right now, I'm gonna go grab my supper and be a couch potato! BYE and see you soon!
Thanks a million!
Wonder Queen
(sounds so formal!)
Tavern in the park \\ Glass House @ Hin Bus Depot, Georgetown, Penang. I think this would be the hottest topic in Penang. I went to this beautiful place a couple weeks ago. I know I'm a bit too late in blogging... Coz last week was my big day - Graduation! I still yet to upload the videos plus pics! Frankly speaking, this was considered as an unpremeditated date with my buddy! I asked her out on Friday and she said YES! Both of us even had the mutual perspective on the location we wanted to go which is HERE! Although I know its name but I always casually call this cafe as Glass House '玻璃屋'! This concept is so new to us coz mostly you only have the chance to see it on TV in western country.
I think needless to introduce to you guys, she is CATHERINE! She appears on my blog too often haha! Which is GOOD! I only have a few friends but they are all high in quality one!
Keopi Hauseu Cafe 커피하우스 ☀ Chime Heritage, Georgetown, Penang. I think this cafe was launched for quite some time. But this was my first time to give it a try and it definitely won't be my last time visiting here! A BIG thumbs-up for them!
Previously, I read the others' blog post pertaining to this cafe, not the good ones. This really made me struggled whether to head to this cafe. But never try never know right?! Below is the sneak peek of what we ordered.
Korean Spicy Noodle Challenge || 癫婆挑战韩国辣辣面
I think there's no need extra introduction nor explanation. Just go ahead and click it if you want to watch it haha! What a good memory to reminisce back!
The World's 2nd Spiciest Korean Noodle Challenge 팔도 불낙볶음면!!! I think not long ago, me and Sharene had decided to finally meet up at my house for catching up of our lately life hack in terms of how to have a work-life balance. Keke, duh just kidding. We were just having some hit-or-miss topics and the most remarkable and worthwhile to retrospect back when we were older lolling on our couches or most probably the rocking chairs kind of moment. What was that??? We took the challenge on stoking the spiciest noodle on the whole wide world! If you had read my previous blog post, I had tried the 3rd spiciest noodle which is the one sought-after named Bul-Ddak-Bokk-Eum-Myeon with my other friends. It was not as spicy as I thought and imagined it would be. As to previously I watched numerous Youtube video challenge on this haha! Hence, I decided to try the higher rank of noodle in terms of spiciness.
I think this Xuan Feng Restaurant 軒風 had been established a few years ago. But I did not try it out until I started working around that area. Just on that particular day, I was lazy to head out for lunch so this below thingy happened...
Kim's Mart is a Korean Mini Market based in Penang. I always look for this kind of mini grocery stores like 24/7 coz me and my family are super indescribable infatuated with Korean stuffs. Not every of my family members but majorly. Then, I found this shop which sells extremely reasonable and affordable Korean stuffs! I think I should just let the pics speak for itself! Below is what we bought on that day which embodying of the World's spiciest noodle ranked at no.2, rice cake for Tteokbokki, 2 packs of cookies fritters with sweet caramelized wrapped at the outside and the yummy Honey Mustard. You can really save a lot buying at here coz I remembered that last time I went to Korea and bought the honey mustard at RM 6 something. To be more precise, if you add the air ticket price, it would be quite... haha so here, you can buy at a very reasonable price RM 8.90. Muahaha!
{小资女阿美记} 吃台湾扁了的三明治ღ Uncle Ken的生日会。很多友人及网友都很担心阿美我会再也不更新这部落格了。有的还PM我叫我必须找时间更新个人近况。好呗,阿美这就给你更新个够! 但我会用华语来写哦,因为不想要咋家的华语退步哦!但我还是会看心情啦,心情好的话就用华语哈哈!那就开始呗!Office girl's lunch!
这就是Alazizi aka Yan 前辈帮我从台湾带回来的啦!但很不幸的是,它扁了!哈哈!假如你将要去台湾的话可以尝一尝哦!7-11就能买到哦!阿美我都吃这三明治的。好像天天在台湾的早餐都是这一个!
PLATES is located at Lebuh Muntri, Georgetown, Penang. I bet a lot of Penangites had already been there before right? But, I just went there a couple of weeks ago. Needless to introduce you anymore right? Ever since I dissolve myself in bread-winning uphill battle, I changed. Brunch on PLATES? Definitely a YES for me as usual. Yet, where to have it does matter. My risk-taking bold mindset had transformed into the home-girl who prefers to have some self-time and cook her own brunch on PLATES. The underlying reason is I'm so scared of eating the not so delicious food at any cafe or restaurant. It makes me wail. Hence, let's see whether this PLATES is the plate of brunch that eases me.
充满紧张吃惊的一天 // 韩国辣辣面挑战 // 爱心意大利面---好,最近两个星期都有公共假期也!超开心的,上个星期的照片都还没来得及上传呢。几乎每天回家都懒得开电脑咯,因为每天都得公司对着电脑工作,眼睛也严重不舒服。好啦!让我开始讲故事呗!
Kitchen Twenty Three is the newly launched (not long ago) cafe or better known as a restaurant priced at the reasonable range at Elit Avenue. On the other day, Wendy (the name that I gave her, haha sounds like her parents who give their own child a Christian name) and I finally met up after a long interlude. Originally, we planned to have our lunch at a cafe called St. Press (not sure is it correct), but unfortunately, we went inside to have a glimpse on the menu board at the counter, learnt that a lot of items had been cancelled. This triggered our unwilling instinct to leave there in no time. We then stumbled upon this restaurant, the reason that dragged us towards it was probably the ablaze crystal chandelier nearby the entrance. We perceived it was quite in style. A serendipitous place for us to 'melepak'.
KO.B.Q코비큐 Korean Restaurant has a branch at Elit Avenue which I think most of you guys know right? Not long ago, I labelled them as my no.1 top Korean Restaurant in Penang Click HERE to see the post!!! I was so delighted as I got the chance to visit this branch during my work day in celebration of Venessa's Birthday. Fortunately, they did not let me down. Let's see the pics!
So, these are their delicious and scrumptious side dishes. Their KIMCHI is always the BEST in Penang. Even Venessa (she thinks some KIMCHIs have that kind of unacceptable marker-pen scent) thinks that this is GOOD! Haha! However, to be honest, I still prefer the side dishes at Precinct 10 which are more special and distinct.
Double Good Restaurant 好好冷气餐厅已经营业有段时间了,就在Bukit Jambul, Bayan Lepas, Penang。假如你有时常经过那里的话,一定会知道的,就在那十字路口红绿灯附近的店屋。还记得小时候,大概是小学时就有了。小时候,大姐时常带我们去那里吃的,印象中还蛮好吃的。还记得上个月的某一天,去INTI College的讲座会后,回公司的途中就发觉环状交叉路口(Roundabout)竟然停电。到了公司下面,顶着猛烈的太阳走到电梯处,怎知有个马来Uncle告诉我们真个大厦没电了。我们就被逼得爬楼梯上三楼,开玩笑阿?三楼你知道让阿美我气喘如牛,你懂吗?哈哈!(太久没去健身房报告了)好不容易到了门口,门竟然是关着的!电联Yan前辈得知老板请客哦!哈哈!
{当个聪明旅行家✿ฺ 超值Cathay Pacific Airways 國泰航空机票} 对!今天阿美我心血来潮要与大家分享分享怎么当个聪明的旅行家之飞机票篇。说到飞机,乡亲们大多会联想到亚洲航空(AirAsia)对吧?因为它是宣称全世界最佳低成本的航空。我呢,也曾经是它的常客。但自从看到国泰航空的优惠价后,哦买卡!!!超值的啦!从此,只要是超过2小时的班机,我们都选择国泰啦!而且还有电视机也,要看各国的戏都有叻!我都看韩国的节目哈哈!重点是还可以Fastforward快速进带或倒带哦!我试过看韩国的年度Dream Concert,发觉太多我不认识的新人了,这时遥控器真的帮了个大忙哦!直接搅到后面看比较大咖的像是少女时代等。
- 槟城 ⇛ 香港(转机) ⇛ 韩国(地点) ⇛ 台湾(转机) ⇛ 香港(转机) ⇛ 槟城
- 槟城 ⇛香港(转机) ⇛ 台湾(地点) ⇛ 香港(坐华航转机) ⇛ 槟城 (坐长龙)
Black Kettle Cafe is the newly launched cafe in town at Beach Street, Georgetown of Penang. I went there on last Sunday with my 2nd sis, Karen in celebration of my flying colours result in Degree (I'm not gonna reveal it here coz I'm not that kind of boastful person. Yes, I paid the bill with my very first salary gained from the sweat and tear (not that pitiful though, just exaggerating) working days. Just a couple days ago, I were being smothered by heaps of timesheets, leave application forms and MCs for the payroll purpose. I guess now you grasp a better understanding of my job description right? Haha! Now, I only have my own ME TIME to update my own space. 华语翻译下一次咯!不好艺术。。。
[槟城美食攻略] Halfwake Cafe // 相逢恨晚 @ Lebuh Melayu, Georgetown, Penang. Finally,
I got to visit this new cafe which has been launched not long ago.
Several bloggers claimed that this is cafe with unorthodox selfdom kind
of cafe due to its operating time (just 3 days from Fri to Sun), plus
only operates begin from 6pm onwards. Haha!终于来到了这一间新开不久的Cafe啦!很多部落客宣称很有‘个性’的店家---因为一星期只开3天(五,六&日),而且只经营晚上六点后的时段哦。哈哈!
[槟城美食攻略] Ssambap 쌈밥 韩国餐厅位于Krystal Point,Bayan Lepas的相信大家应该不陌生吧。开了有一段日子了,一直想吃但因近期比较忙碌,所以没有多余时间去光临。而且,这店家就在我公司的不远处,只要走几步路就到的距离(大约2分钟,其实也蛮远的啦哈哈!)。 这次,阿美我很开心终于吃到了!哈哈!与同事友人一同有个‘臭韩式烧烤油烟味’的午餐。Ssambap 쌈밥, a Korean Restaurant which is situated in the Krystal Point building at Bayan Lepas, Penang, it supposedly not that unfamiliar to all of you right? It had been launched for quite some time, I always wanted to try it but due to the recent insanely-packed schedule, I don't have any spare time to cafe-hopping anymore. SOB! Plus, this Korean Restaurant is just nearby my workplace, about a few steps away (approximately 2mins, actually is quite far haha). This time, I'm so delighted as I finally visited it! The other day, I was having a 'smelly Korean BBQ smoky' kind of lunch.

[槟城美食攻略] 生活可以如此神奇!阿美我也终于再次亲身体验到了。丢回N天前与老爸和老三在Plan B欢庆大学放榜的早午餐好日子。Life can be so magical! A worthwhile throwback of the GOOD day having brunch with my daddy and Christine (3rd sis) in celebration of my University Result Releasing @ Plan B, Queensbay Mall, Penang.
Teenager's Tumblr inspired summer picnic/party!!! {PART 2} This time I won't update in Chinese as last update also did not complement with Chinese. Haha! Just me with my freaking lame and not convincing excuses of do not want to write in Chinese. Sorry for this unprofessional side of me. Last few updates were in dual languages, well, I received lots of reverts on how I wrote wrongly... Shameful! But it was sometimes caused by the auto typing. Okay! Don't talk about nonsense again! Coz I wanna watch 'OT with ghost' the HK's TVB drama '鬼同你OT'! Have you guys watched it? I think this drama is so funny haha! Plus, I'm now working as permanent so this drama relates to me pretty well! Okay I'm so lazy to write the nonsense so let's see the pics!
American-next-top-model-inspired kind of pose! V.O.G.U.E
{小资女阿美记} 正确点说,应该是幸福的上一周/ Last week full of happiness。哎呀,无所谓啦!你们明白就可以了啦!哈哈!发觉读者们都好爱读我写的华语篇也!是您们给了我动力,让我开始了双语---华语和英文的博文更新。虽然很麻烦,但阿美我也觉得用回华语才能表达出更贴切的文句。而且,这是一个很好的训练,让我恶补恶补阿美我的烂华语。哈哈!
[槟城美食攻略] Yellow Lips 澳日咖啡馆是近日很火红的咖啡馆,位于Lebuh Pantai / Beach Street,Georgetown, Penang。如果说China House是在前段呢,那这家就是在尾段咯。我相信GPS会为您指路的(阿美我不是很会认路,不好听的说,是半个路痴)。但还记得我中学的数学老师告诉我们通常路痴都是美女,她多半是在暗示自己是个美女吧!假如这叙述是成立的话,那阿美我岂不是半个。。。哈哈!好啦!好啦!咱们进入重点呗!
Recently, Yellow Lips which is located at Lebuh Pantai aka Beach Street, Georgetown, Penang is in rage on Facebook. I think it definitely due to its so peculiar name. If you say China House is at the front end of the road, then this cafe would be at the end segment. I believe that GPS could blaze the trail (coz I'm not good at finding directions, probably the road nerd! Haha! I still remember that back in high school, one of my maths teacher told us that road nerds have a high odd to be a beauty, I think she was just trying to imply that she was a 'beauty'. Haha! If this statement is the truth, then I'm also.... haha Okie okie Let's get to the point!
现今,阿美我已是个小资女OL。所以为了慰劳自己埋头苦干了几天,都会去一去不一样的Cafes,至少一周一次。还记得那天是马来同胞的新年,反正闲着也是闲着就去了这一家咯!你一定会觉得很奇怪,为何我要用华语写这一篇文章呢?我也不清楚。反正就是:“I got a feeling” --黑眼豆豆的歌。
{Thanks to the owners for the warm hospitality}
Since I'd become an office lady, I decided to visit different kind of cafes at least once a week to salve my hard work done. On that day was the Hari Raya, instead of lazing in my sofa, we wen to this cafe. You must be curious about why I wrote in Chinese, I also don't know, just 'I got a feeling!'--Black eyed peas.
Since I'd become an office lady, I decided to visit different kind of cafes at least once a week to salve my hard work done. On that day was the Hari Raya, instead of lazing in my sofa, we wen to this cafe. You must be curious about why I wrote in Chinese, I also don't know, just 'I got a feeling!'--Black eyed peas.
“全马首家澳日风味咖啡馆,采用新鲜高级之食材烹调美食,价格大众化。本店采用的咖啡豆也是世界顶级的,于INTERNATIONAL COFFEE TASTING ITALY荣获大奖,更以手冲咖啡的方式呈现!15/7/2015正式营业。”
Needless for any extra description, come and see the pics!
Needless for any extra description, come and see the pics!
Teenager's Tumblr inspired summer picnic/party by sea is always a must for everyone who is still in their early 20s. If you don't throw this kind of party now, when you get older, you'll definitely mope in the dump. Not gonna lie you! Haha! School is gonna reopened in no time right?! Seriously, I so miss the school-time where you can chat with your friends in Uni about the latest mean girls or bitches (a bit rude but it exemplifies really well to some people), which lecturers do something ragged stuffs & etc. Too much to mention! Today, I'm doing a massive throwback to last year pertaining to the summer girls' party. I think I shall let the pictures speak by themselves.
Our beautiful aka snsd-like legs (blek...just jk!)
Tumblr & Instagram Inspired Summer Picnic & Party Food Ideas
Yes! I understand that the school holiday is gonna end right soon. So, why not throw an impromptu summer picnic or party by the sea with your flock of girlfriends or even your family or maybe you want to spend this #onelasttime moment with your lover? In this century of Tumblr-dominated or Instagram-ruled, we girls have to make sure everything we do is worth for a pic which deserves many likes right?! Even if the "likes" is not your thingy, you'll definitely feel lighted once you see every pic you took in whatever event is so professional-esque. Have you ever heard of "the law of attraction"? It means if you see a beautiful creature for long enough, you'll be prettier like that creature. Upshot, we should always make sure that everything we do is neat and pretty so that it can have the positive impact to us inside out!
1st Week as an Office Lady aka White Collar!
Hello everyone! I received some emails from online friends (readers, I normally don't call you guys as readers since I don't really like the borderline set) asking me where did I go. The answer is I have started my journey as an office lady (OL) aka White Collar. I use the term OL more often as I'm an Asian and always stick to the Taiwanese TV shows which they only use OL indicating the working lady. Since, this is my space for me to reveal what I think might be worth shared with you, today I'm gonna write-up about my 1st week of working experience in this totally brand-new and odd circumstance.
How to: Summer Girls Party/Picnic | 夏日闺蜜野餐记
Hello! I just successfully uploaded this video onto Youtube! A really tremendous throwback kind of vlog. This was taken at Penang Swimming Club. Now, I'd graduated from my uni that's why I earn more time to spend in doing this kind of stuffs. But I started to work as well recently which means I might be busy as well. Haha! I hope you enjoy this video!
Remember to SUBSCRIBE for more ya!!!
One Last Time #POTD
How are you guys? I hope everything is doing well for you. Last month, the view rate was the BOOM! Thank you so much for your support towards my space (blog, but don't call me a blogger). I tried my best to blog as frequent as I can on last month since I was free after handed in all the chagrined heaping assignments. But start from next week, I'll be working. I received a lot of emails from you guys asking me where do I work. Here to say, I'm so sorry that I cannot reveal my workplace for my own safety. I'd like to keep it confidential. Basically just an office job.
BoA(보아)_"Only One"_Song Cover & MV Parody
This is just for fun! MV was filmed in Seoul, Korea at one of the Hollys Coffee (할리스 커피) in Myeong-Dong. I think it was two years ago. I still remember at that night, I said why not we film some videos since this is our last day being in Korea. Then this happened. Haha! I really like this cafe as they rent the whole 4-story building. We went to the highest level, yes we are always so naughty! Haha! Nobody was there so this MV shooting idea kicked in.
[槟城美食攻略] 코비큐 KO.B.Q // 全槟最棒的韩国餐❤The BEST Korean Restaurant in Penang!!! 我懂,我懂!可能这标题会有些许地主观,但我只是想说出阿美我的意见呀!韩国餐算是我的最爱(不是日式料理的迷)。我之前有去过南韩首尔吃过他们道道地地的泡菜。到目前为止,阿妹我个人认为这家的泡菜是最接近以前我在那所品尝到的味道。因这家是位于Precinct 10,所以我们那时是第一桌的客人。随后又有两桌的客人。Precinct 10已经越来越少人去了,甚至连那外国品牌连锁店Burger King也搬了。很是心疼,因为好像要变废区了好像那个One Stop!好了,不要再EMO鸟!让我们开始‘留口水’呗!Maybe
this title is slightly subjective but I just want to reveal my mind.
Korean food is always one of my favourite food (not a Japanese food
maniac). I've been to S.Korea and eaten their Kimchi. By far,
this restaurant offers the closest one in terms of taste to the Kimchi I
ate last time. Since it's located at Precinct 10, when we went to
there, we were the first table of customers. Two more tables were
occupied later. Precinct 10 is getting less and less people showing up
there, even the Burger King had left. Such a sad case. I feel sullen
whenever see some past sought-after buildings becoming like this such as
One Stop. Stop being dark! Let's get started!
Que Huong Toi Vietnamese Cafe 正宗越南小食馆 @ Jalan Sungai Pinang & Jalan Jelutong, Georgetown, Penang.
Okay! Let's rewind back to the 1st of January 2015 which was the new year! I know this was happened way too long ago. I always wanted to update it here like I had even upload to draft but then I just forgot it after all. Haha! A few readers asked me to switch into a Chinese blog but I think by writing in English is seriously and unmistakably easier for me. The han yu pin yin takes me years. I still remember that I woke up and told myself, I had to have a better live ahead by indulging yummy food. That's why I asked my 3rd sis whether she wanted to bring me to this Vietnamese cafe for a trial. She concurred in no time as at that time she was totally a Vietnamese fan like KPOP fan. Or maybe I'll call her as 越南婆。
A SKINNY girl wins in Arm Wrestling!!! 瘦弱女子掰手腕赢了?
This was happened almost 2 years ago. We were lunching at Pit Stop Cafe, and finally decided to have an arm wrestling PK tournament! Muahaha! I need to admit that Ziqiong is always that strong when it comes to energy and strength! Each time she slaps my body, I feel like dizzy and wavered. So, nowadays when I see her hands up and seeming like want to slap someone, I start to shudder. Haha! As for the reason why I use Megan's face as thumbnail is because.... No reason.... Love doesn't need any reason right?! Haha!
So be sure to watch it here!
Too Faced: Beauty Wishes and Sweet Kisses Review
Today, I'm doing a really quick beauty and cosmetic haul review. It's all about this Too Faced product. This is actually the product from last year and I used it for quite some time now and thinking of maybe I should recommend to you guys.
Calories BOOMED // The Haven Harbour @ Chime Heritage, Penang.
Okay! This was happened about 10 days ago. After I went work-out and burning 400+ calories, my lovely 2nd sis brought me to 'waste' my calories (if you are a GYM-freak, I'm sure you grasp what I meant). I'm not saying the food served in this cafe is high calories or fat. It's just supposed to stick with clean eating right? I'm wailing now! But no EAT no gain! My muscle mass is increased after that day. Haha! So, this was actually our second place for lunch after the 1st one right here! That's why I'm saying CALORIES BOOMED!!! PS: sorry for our bare faces. Sunday means the rest day for our skin! Haha!
[Movie Review] Poltergeist 2015 || La Cremeria Event @ Queensbay Mall, Penang.
So, I just went to watch this horror movie yesterday night with my sisters and bro and thought of writing up a review for you guys! I can see that my viewer rate is rising day by day, bit by bit. Sometimes, I feel really mysterious and unbelievable that why on earth do people actually follow my blog and support me via mails even I'm just an ordinary girl. You guys are amazing! Okay let's start the creepy thingy!
端午节 || Duan Wu Festival & Dragaon Boat Festival

Yep! This is my masterpiece! Pretty lehh (in local Penang Hokkien accent)! My friends are always so surprised by my decent and fluent Hokkien speaking. Like almost all strangers would perceive that I am English-educated. I don't know why. I speak Mandarin normally. Well, speaking of Chinese culture, I don't think I entertain any cultural ideas. I just know the titles of each event but not for the detailed history part. Nah! I hate history (recalling back to last sem seating for Hubungan Etnik).
JEEVES at Love Lane, Georgetown, Penang.
If only you are like both of us who are still not familiar with the umpteen intersections within the area of Georgetown, this cafe is quite easy to find. It just nearby the Love and Latte and also Mugshot. Do you know Love Lane? Actually, if right now you ask me to drive there again, I really need to take one whole day and memorize it. Haha! Selfie with the Mr. Dog???
And so my dad's playing Facebook now!

I am so impressed by how he manages to update his Facebook more than I do on a daily basis. This totally exemplifies the old Chinese cliche '活到老,学到老' - one is never too old to learn. I always adore his everlasting curiosity towards everything; sometimes at its distinct loss (when it comes to the matter regarding me haha). He really likes to read as he makes sure he reads all sections of the newspaper (yep including the celebrity part) before sleep. I taught him how to upload photos onto Facebook, how to like others' photos and etc just for a few times. It reminds me how he used to teach me every enunciation he knows when I was still a toddler.
HAPPY Fresh Fish Broth and Noodles 哈吡鱼杂海鲜粉 @ Jalan Bawasah, Penang.
To be real honest, I'd forgotten when was my last having a bowl of warm fresh fish broth noodle. The mushrooming Penang cafes has literally changed our culture especially on the generation 'y'. Most of us are always captivated by the new and unique cafes, taking pics and uploading them onto social media platforms. This eating experience really dredged up a lot of my past memory when I was still a kid at that time barbie dolls and pokemon were our 'best friends'. Nothing superficial but memorable.
如果你还没有Airbnb的帐号,可以用我的专用链接🔗 (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2),那你就可以即刻索取RM105,这回馈可以用于预订Airbnb的房间。
For the first time user, u may use my Airbnb link (www.airbnb.com/c/wonderq2)and get RM105 credit for your next trip!
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Wonder Queen is founded by Sammy Tang; a creative director, YouTuber & Blogger based in Penang, Malaysia. She has gained over 1.97m views on YouTube from scratch. Clients like her creativity and positive online personality.
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